Work with Chris
When you’re ready to reach higher in business and life, Chris can help you with 1-on-1 consulting, group coaching, self-study, and live workshops.
Benefits of working with Chris
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“After my first meeting with Chris, I knew he had a remarkable gift. He has a knack for decoding complexities into simplified concepts that solve big issues. Full of personality and fresh new perspectives. Chris addresses many important matters that come with success and gives advice that even the most successful entrepreneurs need to hear.”
Founder of Boon, Finell Co, and Zip Top
“Over the past twenty-five years, I have seen Chris innovate in multiple industries and motivate people from diverse backgrounds and experi-ences. His unusual combination of technical ability and emotional intell-gence allow him to simplify very complicated situations so problems can be overcome quickly and easily.”
Founding Partner, Iron Pillar. Former Partner, DJ and Garage Technology Ventures
“I love Chris’ brilliant intellect, wonderful sense of humor, and no-BS approach to business and life. Chris is first and foremost a teacher who wants to help people by eliminating the unnecessary stress and aggravation around money. His motives are pure, and his advice is invaluable.”
World’s #1 Success Coach
“I’ve known, and worked closely with, Chris Jarvis for over fifteen years.
What most people recognize about Chris are his creative financial and business skills (both of which are truly unique). But his most unique gifts are his genuine concern for others and his willingness and ability to help solve problems. Chris has helped me to look at my firm and my career from different perspectives. He was an invaluable resource helping me prepare my company for an eight-figure exit. I recommend Chris without reservation to any business or business owner looking for an ally who can make a meaningful impact.”
35-year financial services executive
“Chris has one of the most innovative minds I’ve ever encountered. His creativity combined with his in-depth knowledge of accounting, tax, law, and insurance is a unique blend of skill sets that produces amazingly productive solutions and opens your eyes to business opportunities you may never have imagined. Everything Chris writes is worth reading … more than once!”
Founder and Chairman of SportClipa
International Franchise Association Entrepreneur of the Year
and Hall of Fame Award Recipient